YouTube is trying something new with it's search called, "YouTube Topics on Search". They also want to see how well you can use it.
"YouTube Topics on Search" is available on the TestTube page, where you can choose to opt-in to the experiment. Basically, when you search for something vague, you are given various suggestions of other search results that may be closer to what you are actually looking for. YouTube themselves suggests trying out the search term 'camera tricks' to see how it works.
This also brings up somewhat of a challenge that YouTube has issued to those who try out the feature. There are several 'Golden Topics' hidden inside of the feature, and YouTube has challenged it's users to find them. They give you one of them, but there are at least two others that are hinted at.
It might not be the overhaul that the search feature needs, but it's something to play around with for a while.
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